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04 July, 2023

NET ZERO - It's not a law- its the latest scam to make money.


In 2019 the UK  Government say they "signed Net Zero into law". 

Thats hilarious, its like saying they have made a law that the tide will not come in on a Wednesday or that Blackbirds will not sing before 6am.

Firstly Governments do not and can not make Laws.
They pass legislation and there is a huge difference between a law and legislation, a difference that Governments and Police hope that you never find out because it means that most of the things they tell you are Law aren't, its only because you decide to comply that they get away with enforcing it.

Net Zero is simply a fake law, a con about more control, more tax and making more money.

The Government "signed it into law"  so what, what will happen if someone makes a little bit too much CO2 the day after their zero carbon day comes in.  Nothing will happen because it's not enforceable unless people fall for the con.

The government wants to fine car dealers for not selling enough electric cars and air-source heat pump manufacturers for not selling enough heat pumps, but all this nonsense can only happen if people agree to be controlled by fake laws and mandates and yet more threats from Government.

If manufacturers said they will continue to build and supply internal combustion engine cars then no government could ever stop them if we wanted to buy them.

Everything you think you know about governments making laws is fake, they don't and never have.

Interestingly "legislation is given the power of law with the consent of the Governed " which is nonsense. When we have consented to any of this Net Zero, we haven't, it is being forced upon the world by the same insane super rich who are driving all the climate change narrative and who have the ultimate goal of a One World Government under the WEF and UN.

Net Zero isn't law, it never will be because thats impossible.

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