Life, The Universe and Small Things all covered in one friendly blog.
Remember DON'T PANIC! .

12 April, 2023

Missing In action - A roundup of the last few years before I start again properly.

It has been a very long time since I wrote anything on this blog and in that passing of time the world has changed .

Or maybe the world has not changed it might just be that I have been woken up.

I was sitting in the sun in Portugal when I heard about people dashing out to buy toilet paper and pasta in the UK. What was going on with these people. Had they all been hit with mass hysterical illnesses, yes that's exactly what happened.

Over the next couple of years most of the world was consumed in the hysteria which was brilliantly orchestrated by Governments, WEF, a certain software geek and a lot of billionaires.

Suddenly I  was being told that my body and my health was nothing to do with me and only the government or a pharmaceutical company could now save me from some invisible monster that was going to kill anyone who did not "Stay home save lives and save the NHS".

I  didn't panic, I didn't get scared I got very very angry then I  got informed.

I am ashamed to admit that they had me fooled for a couple of weeks.
Although I never fell for the exercise for 1 hour a day pretend law, I did stay in a lot and chatted to friends on ZOOM rather than in person.

Then the realisation of what was going on hit and it hit hard. 

Many people still believe C**id19 was real and that people died from it and if you are one of those people then its your right to think that because you haven't done the research, or maybe you have but only on MSM sites and those controlled by those profiting from the myths and misinformation of viruses that can kill healthy people .

During the scam-demic or if you prefer plan-demic I learned more about humans and they way we work than most GPs will ever know and the most important thing I learned is that no one other than me is responsible for my health. 

Unless we are involved in some accidental injury then everything else that happens to our health is our fault. 

We do not "catch" a virus, we do not "develop"  cancer or "become" diabetic or any other illness we create it with our lifestyle choices.

When we walk into a GPs office and tell them we have an illness they know nothing about how it was caused, they actually in the main don't care, all they want to do is give us something to mask the symptoms until our bodies repair us. 

Have I lost you or are you still reading on, with anger that I dare criticise doctors.

There are many doctors who do good work especially surgeons and trauma specialists but there are also many who are just prescription writers .

I have a lasting memory of the start of the scam-demic walking past the local doctors surgery and seeing a receptionist outside dressed like a space woman; mask, gown, shield, gloves, apron and I think even over shoes with her had up shouting at a pool elderly man "get back" with her hand raised. 
The majority of the worlds medical organisations bought into C**id19 from the start until a very few doctors had the courage to start saying it was not what it was made out to be.

People died because of it but none from a virus, (science had still have not isolated any virus in the history of man) some died because they were given drugs that killed them, some died because they were elderly and put in so much fear of this "pending doom" and some very good people died "mysteriously" after announcing that drugs already available could cure everyone who ever "caught" C**id19.

The scammed control got me for a few weeks then I woke up, then we joined "stand in the park" a world wide group of people who knew the truth and every sunday morning at 10am local time millions stood together in parks all around the world.
At my stand we were threatened by ignorant misinformed Police with fines and told
we could not stand in groups of more than 6 etc yet we stood together sometimes more than 40 of us.
We hugged , we chatted , we didn't socially distance, we didn't wear masks, we didn't take jabs and to this day we are all still standing.

The best thing about the lockdowns was empty roads. 

We rocketed up to Lincolnshire to visit family with no delays and trips to have dinner or share a takeaway had no traffic delays.

This section is dragging on rather more than anticipated so I am sorry about that, I understand if you feel you need to go, I don't blame you, there is probably something far more exciting on MSM, Youtube or the BBC.

So what's this rambling guff all about.
It's about me restarting the blog entries, that no one reads because no one reads anything these days it all has to be video.
But that's ok the "intelligent universe" sees what is written, hears what is said and understands what is meant by everything.
But that's something for another entry and hopefully not as crazy as you think.

If you have read this far I thank you very much and hope that you will come back and read the next entry, or if you haven't done so before read some of my ramblings from years gone by.

Till next time

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