It's not often that a company gets a mention on here but this one deserves it.
The company is called Gadgetboost .com and other . endings and the reason they get a special mention is because they are scamming people out of money. Including me!
They have fantastic web sites, blogs and even pages full of press releases and excellent reviews, the trouble is they seem to be producing all their own good reviews.
The company is called Gadgetboost .com and other . endings and the reason they get a special mention is because they are scamming people out of money. Including me!
They have fantastic web sites, blogs and even pages full of press releases and excellent reviews, the trouble is they seem to be producing all their own good reviews.

If you try to buy from them they will more than likely take your money and even send you a spoofed posting tracking number. And that will be the last you hear.
They won't reply to emails and they have no other contact information on their sites.
Beware, don't buy from them!
Beware, don't buy from them!
Your so right. I had exactly that problem with them. Try as I might they never replied to me and I never saw my purchase.
ReplyDeleteGadgetboost is a scam. I don't know how they fake it, but they do. Perhaps they only ship orders on sites that have an ability to track like amazon or such....but I ordered directly from them. They sent only a shipping code for usps, check for yourself: 9101010521297357917145. It lists the post office as notified of intent to deliver without ever actually ever getting the package to the post office.
ReplyDeleteNumerous emails and phone calls go answered. Searches across various engines with the gadgetboost and scam or complaint bring up lots of complaints.
If gadgetboost has a high rating anywhere it is only because they play their cards right to look good where it matters.
People like myself are only looking for a way to notify google that it is helping Gadgetboost defraud people. Heck, gadgetboost even uses a google voice number in its crimes (760) 896-4763.
As another point of interest, there is also no way of telling facebook that they are housing a site of fraud. It was the fact that gadgetboost showed up in google, had a google voice number was on facebook AND norton safeweb had them listed as safe that I ordered from them. From now on, i will add "review" "scam" or "complaint" to any search before ordering from a company.
I got gadgetboost taken down by reporting him to various agencies.
Well in case anyone searching for help with their problems with gadgetboost comes here...or with Don Wallar's new criminal venture dockextenders :
Don has started a new scam under a different name advertising the same products for him NOT to deliver. I wrote a few letters to his hosting sites asking them to drop him again.
He really is a crooked and horrible person.
I started a facebook group about don's endeavors....Mainly for me to keep track of thing and for people to find.!/groups/217211734987185
Monday I go to the local police to give evidence, hopefully Don will be in jail soon enough.
Oh and to use Don's own tactics of search engine manipulation:
iphone dock extender, dock extender review, don wallar, gadgetboost, gadgetboost review, cheap iphone deals, ipad deals, iphone scams, dock extender scams, dock extender fraud, dockextenders review, dockextenders scam, guru@dockextenders, slim iphone dock extender, ipad cables
Jon Martin is also part of the Gadgetboost scam as shown on:
Don Wallar's linkedin site
Don Wallar's facebook site
Gadgetboost Facebook sites. Valueoutfitters seems to be a site Don created to promote his gadgetboost.!/pages/GadgetBoostcom/46513337402?sk=wall