It is interesting that Jacqui Smith "got advice on the matter" from someone, an M.P. also on the fiddle no doubt, isn't that a bit like asking Reggi Cray if its ok to nick sweets from Tesco.
I have been sent a transcript of a phone call between Jacqui Smith and Gordon Brown on the matter of this £100,000 of expenses:-
Smith. - Hello, Gordon its the Home Secretary.
I have been sent a transcript of a phone call between Jacqui Smith and Gordon Brown on the matter of this £100,000 of expenses:-
Smith. - Hello, Gordon its the Home Secretary.
Brown. - Hello.
Smith - I am being accused of fiddling my expenses and thought I should speak to you about it.
Brown - OK.
Alistair Darling - Who is it?
Brown. - (hand over phone) its some secretary, caught fidding with someone.
Smith - I heard that, its your Home Secretary, Jacqui, its not fiddling with someone, I'm fiddling my expenses, I mean accused of.
Brown - Oh Jacqui, right yes, sorry Darling and me are just playing the new Monopoly, have you played it yet, its rather good. I have just bought the Royal Bank of Scotland for £100 billion and built a hotel on its HQ.
Darling - An Hotel, its an Hotel not A, and its not monopoly Prime Minister, I told you before this is real money.
Brown - Well its still jolly good fun.
Smith - ach hum, excuse me Gordon shall I call back, you seem distracted and this is rather important.
Brown - No no, go on, so you want to resign then?
Smith - NO! I don't want to resign I want your advice.
Brown - Well don't worry about it, this is New Labour we don't have to stick to any rules.
Smith - OK, but the press have got hold of this and it could cause a bit of a stink.
Brown - (hand over the phone to Darling) Do you want to be Home Secretary?
Darling - No I don't! I am already Chancellor.
Brown - Oh yes, sorry I forget that isn't me too.
Smith - Ill call another time this isn't working out.
Brown - Ill get someone to call you about this, where will you be.
Smith - At home, I mean at my Sisters home which is my home really, where I live most of the time any way, it cost me well over that £500 a week to run my other house, I am never there but it still costs me money just to buy new things for it all the time.
Brown - Yes, yes goodbye (click) She is going to ruin this for everyone if we don't watch out, We must keep an eye on that woman.
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