Next time you break something, maybe you dropped your favourite mug and it shattered, simply open your laptop and write a policy.
05 July, 2023
Don't fix anything - Just write a Policy
Next time you break something, maybe you dropped your favourite mug and it shattered, simply open your laptop and write a policy.
Energy Prices - Have not GONE up!
Here in the UK we live with corruption at levels that most people can never imagine.
We have a corrupt Government at all levels from local council to Westminster, we have corrupt bankers and a banking system that is designed and managed to take money from the poor and give to the rich and we have media that is controlled and run by billionaires making up stories that have no resemblance to truths.
All the above is the same in virtually every country in the world and most people are happily oblivious to it and believe they are free.
So with all this corruption it should be no surprise to know that energy companies are just as corrupt from the "watchdog" Ofgem to the "suppliers" it all huge profit making scam.
There are people who actually believe that energy prices have gone up, NO NO NO , nothing has gone up, the cost of Gas is exactly the same as it has ever been, totally free, and the cost of generating electricity has not changed for years either.
What has happened is that the greedy bankers and billionaires have decided that $240billion in their bank is not enough and that they want more and more so they have PUT up gas, oil and electricity prices.
See the subtle difference one word GONE should always be replace by PUT when referring to the prices changing in an upward direction.
The next amazing thing is that most people have been completely fooled by Government paying part of their energy bill for the last however many months.
This is not to help joe public it is just to take tax from the people and give it to the energy "resellers" and onto the energy makers and oil and gas extractors.
Take from the poor and give to the rich by PUTTING up prices and declaring an "energy crisis".
04 July, 2023
NET ZERO - It's not a law- its the latest scam to make money.
In 2019 the UK Government say they "signed Net Zero into law".
Thats hilarious, its like saying they have made a law that the tide will not come in on a Wednesday or that Blackbirds will not sing before 6am.
Firstly Governments do not and can not make Laws.
They pass legislation and there is a huge difference between a law and legislation, a difference that Governments and Police hope that you never find out because it means that most of the things they tell you are Law aren't, its only because you decide to comply that they get away with enforcing it.
Net Zero is simply a fake law, a con about more control, more tax and making more money.
The Government "signed it into law" so what, what will happen if someone makes a little bit too much CO2 the day after their zero carbon day comes in. Nothing will happen because it's not enforceable unless people fall for the con.
The government wants to fine car dealers for not selling enough electric cars and air-source heat pump manufacturers for not selling enough heat pumps, but all this nonsense can only happen if people agree to be controlled by fake laws and mandates and yet more threats from Government.
If manufacturers said they will continue to build and supply internal combustion engine cars then no government could ever stop them if we wanted to buy them.
Everything you think you know about governments making laws is fake, they don't and never have.
Interestingly "legislation is given the power of law with the consent of the Governed " which is nonsense. When we have consented to any of this Net Zero, we haven't, it is being forced upon the world by the same insane super rich who are driving all the climate change narrative and who have the ultimate goal of a One World Government under the WEF and UN.
Net Zero isn't law, it never will be because thats impossible.
UK - Hottest June Ever - Maybe ?
A couple of years ago I bought a new room thermostat for the central heating and set it to 20DegC felt cold set it to 21, felt cold set it to 22 and eventually settled at 24.
Dinner at friends one evening and the room was sweltering with their room thermostat set at 19.
When I got home I got all the thermometers I have including electronic, meat thermometers, greenhouse, digital etc and put them in the lounge with the room thermostat saying 24.
Not one thermometer said the same but most of them read way below 24 deg C.
The new room thermostat read 24deg C when the temperature was 20 hence the original setting of 20 was something like 16 no wonder I felt cold.
My reason for this rambling is simple, if I can have 6 thermometers all reading different temperatures within a few inches of each other why are we expected to believe the latest scientific nonsense about the hottest June on record.
There are so many things wrong with the "science" and yet we are not allowed to criticise so I ask just a few of the obvious questions.
1. In the 1840s how accurate were thermometers and even if they were accurate what were there they accurate against .
Research seems to suggest they were "calibrated" using the boiling point of water, yet this can vary by a number of degrees depending on impurities in the water, the atmospheric pressure and the altitude.
So perhaps the thermometer reading 30deg in 1840 was actually at a temperature of 28 or 32 ?
2. If you take the temperature in the garden at one point even in the shade then walk 10metres to the other side of the garden the temperature might vary due to many environmental factors. It will also vary within a few moments if the sun goes behind a cloud.
So back in 1840 the thermometer might be hanging in a box in a small country garden. When the temperature was read was it recorded as to the cloud cover, the wind speed the direction of the wind etc.
And when we compare the temperature taken today is the thermometer the exact same thermometer in the exact same location with exactly the same building, trees, bushes around it. No of course it isn't the whole environment is different.
I could go on and on picking holes in the "scientific method" that is suppose to prove temperature changes on the planet but no scientist will ever believe that the data he is producing is utterly wrong.
We have to accept that the "climate scientists" are paid to prove climate change and now "man made" climate change.
If they were to suggest that perhaps its the instruments that have changed not the temperatures they would not get funding.
The climate crisis is the latest fear being spread by the powers that be and presumably as soon as the wrong person reads this blog it will be removed or deleted because we are not allowed to have an opinion thats doesn't fit the narrative .
I don't deny the climate might be warming, it might be cooling it might be staying the same.
One thing we can be completely sure of is that the scientists who are published in the (billionaire controlled) media don't have a clue, they are all just following the script in order to get paid.