An article published recently said that the most common side effect of one of the scamdemic J@bs is psychosis.
Thats scary, but it does explain the present nonsense world wide regarding the "C1imate Cr1sis".
Yes things are now so crazy that if I write the last two words on the last paragraph out this blog is likely to be removed.
We are just month away from it being a crime to say anything that does not agree with the official narrative on C1imate Ch8nge.
In London today "over 200 organisations" protesting demanding that government takes away rights, bans cars that actually work, removes fuel that actual heats homes and make life for every humans uncomfortable in order to stop their psychotic panic about the C1imate.
I wrote about this some years ago but since that time we had the scamdemic, that gave me so much more time to research many things.
Regarding C1imate Ch8nge I can say without any fear of being wrong that all the rubbish being implemented, discussed and enforced is caused because the scientists are all psychotic.
They are so far removed from reality that they believe their own hype.
If things were as they say they are, why do we still need C1imate scientists. They maintain that they have proved their point, the science is settled and there is no other explanation.
"The consensus among scientists is...." . Well there we have a huge problem, and that is science is not a consensus.
Politics works on consensus but not science.
If something is a consensus its not science and if its science it can not be a consensus.
Science works by a scientist having a theory, experiments are then conducted to see if the theory holds true and until the theory is disproved it remains the present scientific theory.
As soon as any experiment or investigation disproves the theory its game over for that theory.
There are thousands of scientists throughout the world who have disproved the manmade CO2 causing C1imate Ch8nge theory so that's it, the theory is disproved end of
...... but wait .....
we have billionaires with huge sums invested and to be made from N-t Zero, electric cars, hydrogen gas and wind farms etc etc so to allow anyone to dispel their myth will never be allowed. Their religion now rules and it will soon be illegal to question it.
If you have made home made beer and put it in a barrel, as I do, you will find something very simple happens. When the barrel gets warm the pressure goes up and when it gets cold it goes down.
Some due to expansion a lot of this pressure change is due to the beer releasing CO2 when it warms up because warm liquids can not dissolve as much CO2 as cold liquids ...... so just perhaps CO2 levels in the atmosphere are going up because the earth is warming up..... and the earth is warming up because the sun is warming up and the earth is still coming out of the last ice-age ?
All the above science is fully understood by any scientist but has to be denied or else funding stops and because they are all suffering from psychosis they deny reality.
The world is huge, and the atmosphere surrounding it is flipping massively totally gynormously huge, so massive that the idea tiny humans running devices and breeding cows could ever made a difference to CO2 levels is so far fetched that its a wonder anyone has ever believed it.
If the psychotic masses continue to have control of the world then by the 2050 deadline they have arbitrarily set we will all be living without power, water, transport or humanity.